created by Joe Roberts (LSD World peace) Brad Staba (Skate Mental)
and Romeo Trinidad (Very Special). In July 2022 they formalised the
brand by aimlessly walking through the city of Berkeley, CA, while taking
pipe hits of Changa sprinkled with granules of DMT. What came out of
the six hour city hike is still a mystery, but it created energy to explore
and contribute to the power of mind expansion.
They have created the equipment needed for your next journey with practical accessories along with an array of mind bending graphics and they hope you enjoy the offering.
created by Joe Roberts (LSD World peace) Brad Staba (Skate Mental)
and Romeo Trinidad (Very Special). In July 2022 they formalised the
brand by aimlessly walking through the city of Berkeley, CA, while taking
pipe hits of Changa sprinkled with granules of DMT. What came out of
the six hour city hike is still a mystery, but it created energy to explore
and contribute to the power of mind expansion.
They have created the equipment needed for your next journey with practical accessories along with an array of mind bending graphics and they hope you enjoy the offering.
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